About Me

Immigrant | Eldest of 4 siblings | First-generation college graduate | Wife | Boy-Mom | Avid Home Chef

Hello there!

Welcome to my site. Here, I write about my work-life experiences and share my learnings about career progression, leadership, management, and consulting.

I am an engineer by education - I love solving problems and chasing new challenges. I am a technologist at heart and a lifelong learner at that. If there were a phrase to describe me, I would say I am a "sailor of uncharted waters."

Currently, I work as a Director within the Consulting practice of PwC. I focus on Technology Strategy and Digital Transformation Planning. I assist my clients in designing future-proof architectures and operating models with a focus on utilizing emerging tech to deliver innovative consumer-centric solutions.

My superpower at work: Bring alignment across Business, Product, and Engineering on strategic priorities and trade-offs and secure funding for large-scale strategic programs.

When I am not working, I am cooking in my kitchen or playing with my two kids and my dog.

Cooking is the only art form I know, and I am passionate about it. I believe food is a powerful connector for humans. I love learning and recreating recipes from across the world as that gives me an understanding of the sociocultural and geographical makeup of the place.  If I were not a Consultant, I would have loved to join a fancy food lab where they create new recipes.

My second favorite thing to do is to play with STEM toys and teach concepts of physics and mathematics to my children - it's fascinating to witness the development 0f their little brains into complex neural net processors.


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